Westcliff IRB

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IRB Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOP 1: Banned Research

SOP 1 defines the types of allowed and disallowed/banned research.

SOP 2: Composition of the IRB

SOP 2 defines the membership of the IRB committee—excluding chair, institutional officials, and legal representatives.

SOP 3: IRB Committee Responsibilities

SOP 3 defines the responsibilities of the IRB members.

SOP 4: Convened Review

SOP 4 defines the policies and procedures for conducting a full-board review of human subjects’ research.

SOP 5: Course Projects, Decision Tree, and Consent Process

SOP 5 outlines the course projects, decision tree, and consent process.

SOP 6: Data Collected Without IRB Approval

SOP 6 defines the federal regulations regarding the need for IRB approval prior to data collection.

SOP 7: Data Security

SOP 7 defines the specifications for data security.


SOP 8: Exempt and Expedited Reviews

SOP 8 defines the main types of reviews: exempt, expedited, and full. 

SOP 9: Obtaining Informed Consent

SOP 9 defines the minimal requirements for obtaining consent.

SOP 10: Online Research Online Consent and Documenting Consent

SOP 10 defines the minimal requirements of documenting consent.

SOP 11: Student Investigators or Research Assistants

SOP 11 defines the role and responsibility of the student when conducting research.

SOP 12: Translation for Studies Conducted in a Language Other than English

SOP 12 defines the minimal requirements of using translated materials.

SOP 13: Communicable Diseases

SOP 13 defines researchers’ and human subjects’ protection with research involving communicable diseases.

SOP 14: Adverse Event Reporting

SOP 14 ensures adverse and serious events are defined, recorded, reported, and evaluated as required by IRB.