Westcliff IRB

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Westcliff Institutional Review Board

Mission: The mission of the Westcliff University IRB is to ensure the ethical treatment of human and animal participants in the conduct of any and all research by any individual affiliated with Westcliff University, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 45) and the Belmont Report.

Westcliff University Policy Updates

As of Fall 1, 2022, development of quantitative instruments in the use of dissertaitons is not permitted. Doctoral students must locate previously validated instruments for the use of their study. (Permission from author is required.)


IRB Applications

Addendums & Renewals

Frequently Asked Questions

IRB Resources

Contact Us

If you have questions about the IRB process, please contact irb@westcliff.edu.

Guiding Principles

  1. Risks to participants are minimized.
  2. Participants in the study (or their guardians) are fully aware of the risks and that individuals may withdraw from the study at any time without any form of penalty.
  3. Risks to the participants are so outweighed by the sum of the benefits to the participant and the importance of the knowledge to be gained as to warrant a decision to allow the participant to accept these risks.
  4. The rights and welfare of any such participants will be adequately protected.
  5. Legally effective informed consent will be obtained by adequate and appropriate methods in accordance with the provision of this manual, and unless legally waived.
  6. Conduct of the activity will be reviewed at intervals determined by the IRB, but not less than annually.


The purpose of IRB review is to protect the rights and welfare of participants. To that end, the background, purpose, and methodology of proposed studies must be reviewed to determine the validity of anticipated results; the possible benefits to participants; the physical, psychological, social, and legal risks; the protection of confidentiality; and the adequacy of documented informed consent. The Board does not ordinarily review scientific design but may consider that step if it leads to reduced benefit in relation to risk.