Writing Center

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Submitting Your Assignment

After you submit your work, a Writing Center specialist will begin reviewing it. Specialists are allotted 45 minutes per review and will provide as much feedback as possible within that time frame.

You can expect to receive your feedback within 72 hours (excluding Sundays and holidays). If you do not receive feedback within this time frame, please email writinghelp@westcliff.edu for assistance.

To submit your work, click the link below.

Doctoral Students

Click Here to schedule a consultation with a Doctoral Writing Specialist.

Common Questions

What if I have questions about my review?

We welcome questions and encourage you to do one of the following:

  1. If you’d like to ask your editor a question, find their contact here
  2. If you’d like to set up a one-on-one meeting with the ARC to go through your feedback, click here
What if I cannot see any comments?

If you cannot see any comments along the right side of your paper, you are probably looking at the document as a ‘preview’ in Google Docs. What does that mean? This short tutorial should clear it up!!

What if the Writing Center tells me to do something different from my professor?

The Writing Center Specialists will offer suggestions and areas of consideration. However, we are not the people grading your papers. Thus, if your professor has told you that they want something specifically, we would recommend you listen to that first and foremost. The Writing Center follows the APA 7th edition manual specifically, so we cannot speak to deviations your professor may have requested.

What if I do not agree with something my Writing Center specialist suggested?

First and foremost, your work is your own. You get to make the decisions about what to add, take away, or change. Everything we give you is suggested, so if you disagree, well then, ignore it! 🙂

What if my professor wants proof that I submitted to the Writing Center?

You can always select ‘yes’ when asked if your assignment was mandatory on the form. When you select this, we will bcc your professor on the feedback with you as proof of submission. You also can always forward your feedback to your professor directly.

Additional Questions?

Have a question that was not answered or just a simple question regarding an aspect of your writing? Feel free to email us at writinghelp@westcliff.edu