Publication Support

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Research Collaboration Opportunities

The following are research projects that faculty and students are involved in currently. If you are interested in collaborating on any of the projects listed, please reach out to the researcher through the email listed.

Getting Your Research Listed

To get your research listed on this page, please complete this request form (you can access this link with your email). Your research project should appear within 1-3 business days.

Once your project is finished or the spaces are filled, please either:
1 – Email to remove your project from this page.
2 – Submit a completion form (you can access this link with your email) to have the link to your publication added to this website and increase discoverability!

Current Research Projects

(Note: Please ensure: (1) a frank conversation regarding authorship and order of display on publications is had prior to engaging in the research conducted, (2) all members who are involved in your research has completed the CITI training and are listed on your IRB application (to amend your application, please visit the IRB page).

Name of Researcher:
Explanation of Project:
Publication Type:
Collaboration Interest:
Time Frame/Duration:
Contact Information:

Completed Research Projects