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Dissertation Boot Camps

What is a Dissertation Boot Camp?

A dissertation boot camp is a place to help students make significant progress quickly on their dissertation projects. The majority of the time will be dedicated to individual writing in a library/cafe style environment (or an online environment).

Participants will have the option to participate in writing consultations as well as receiving feedback from peers, writing specialists, and the facilitator of the program. The aim is to provide each participant with the space and motivation to make progress on their writing.

Why should I participate?

Dissertation Boot CampWriting your dissertation is not an easy process, and doing it alone makes it even more challenging. By participating in this event, you can increase your motivation, get some tips and tricks for writing/researching more effectively, and most importantly, jump start your writing!

How much does it cost?

The Westcliff University Dissertation Boot Camp is free. However, you are required to sign a contract. As you are taking a seat in the program and using the resources required to run the event, you will need to sign a contract committing that you will attend every day of the event from start to finish. 

When are the Dissertation Boot Camps?

We will run the boot camps once every semester. After you complete RES702/802, you can choose from the following selections.

Fall Semester

September 24th-26th, 2024
Location: Online

Focus: The Literature Review

• Tuesday (4:00-8:00pm)
• Wednesday (4:00-8:00pm)
• Thursday (4:00-8:00pm)

Spring Semester

January 21st-23rd, 2025
Location: Online
Focus: Methodology

• Tuesday (4:00-7:00pm)
• Wednesday (4:00-7:00pm)
• Thursday (4:00-7:00pm)

Summer Semester

TBD: Please check back soon for more information.